4-H and Youth Development News


State Geology Field Trip

Join us at the 2024 4-H Geology State Field Trip from June 14th-16th at Trego Community High School in WaKeeney, KS. Open to all ages, this event features workshops, judging, and a fascinating field trip with various stops. Registration, including for meals and educational materials, is required by May 24th. For more details view the full story on the KSRE website.

4h member leads a market steerRemember that? 4-H helping youth build record-keeping skills

Kansas 4-H youth development specialist Amy Sollock figures that’s likely apropos for keeping track of activities, accomplishments and other day-to-day parts of living.

Kansas 4-Hers prep for new year, eyeing projects

Just weeks after the Kansas State Fair, a new 4-H year has begun, offering Kansas youth the opportunity to choose from 45 diverse project areas. Amy Sollock, a Kansas 4-H youth development specialist, emphasizes the importance of selecting projects based on interests, time, and budget. For more information and to register, visit the Kansas 4-H website or contact your local extension office. Read the full story here.

Kansas youth selected to attend National 4-H Congress

Twenty-four Kansas 4-H youth have been selected to represent the state at the National 4-H Congress in Atlanta over Thanksgiving weekend. This event offers a unique opportunity for personal growth, community service, and leadership development. Read the full story for more details and insights from Amy Sollock on the Kansas 4-H website or visit your local extension office.

Extension Program Specialist Highlight: 4-H Shooting Sports

Kansas 4-H shooting sports volunteers played a pivotal role in 2023, dedicating their time to help nearly 3,000 youth excel in various shooting sports projects. Through intensive training and innovative programs like "Shooting Better Scientifically," these volunteers ensured consistent positive youth development and firearm safety. Learn more about their impactful work and how to get involved by reading the full story on the Kansas 4-H website.