Irrigation Land Area in United States
Irrigated land area in US for 1970 through 2000 by system type . MS Excel format, 402Kb
Compiled by Freddie Lamm and Vicki Brown, Kansas State University, , Fall 2003 from annual surveys conducted by Irrigation Journal. You are free to use the Excel file and the data as you see fit. Please credit Irrigation Journal as the original data source and that the data was summarized by Freddie Lamm, Kansas State University.
This file likely has errors or discontinuities on the year-to-year data. We will try to correct them when discovered. However, in many cases the discontinuities are caused by different reporting methods within the states or different reporters.
This version was last updated January 20, 2004.
Note: Generally, gravity irrigation obtained by subtraction of sprinkler and microirrigation from total.
Note: In cases of obvious typo errors, estimates were entered.
Note: In cases of calculated negative gravity acres, the original tables were consulted. In many of these cases, sprinkler acres were including the microirrigation.
Note: Surveys earlier than 1975 was full of missing data points. Estimates were made so that sums would add up.
Note: Data was proofread for data entry errors. However, some errors may still be present. Please inform Freddie Lamm of additional errors you suspect.